3 Mindset Shifts To Booking Paying Clients! (VIDEO)


3 Mindset Shifts To Booking Paying Clients! (VIDEO)

Today, my husband Mike and I are going to look for couches for our new apartment in Hoboken!

Being from Chicago, I never thought I'd hear myself say I'm moving to New Jersey (...but lesson learned....never say NEVER)!


As we're moving, we've been getting rid of old stuff that just doesn't feel GOOD anymore.

And I've been thinking about the idea of starting fresh - and what that really means.

I realized that acquiring things that simply feel GOOD - AKA our new couch, also requires actually recognizing and getting rid of what doesn't work.

And doing something about it.

That includes things you're perhaps inadvertently saying "yes" to, even though you don't really want them.

I'm talking thoughts, ideas, people, even identities that need to be shed in order to move into something bigger.


More connected to the truth of who you REALLY are.


Marketing in a Way that Creates Impact and Income...Anchored in Authenticity


Marketing in a Way that Creates Impact and Income...Anchored in Authenticity


What feelings does that word elicit in you, friend?

If it's "uncertainty about how and when I market" or "it feels sleazy"...do not stress.

So many of us coaches (or entrepreneurs with a beating heart!) who are truly focused on helping others have struggled at one time or another with the feelings of worry about being "salesy" or simply "not 'good' at writing"

In fact, something I hear all the time from clients is just that.

They’re scared of being too markety… feeling like they’re pushing something inauthentic onto people...

They’re plagued by the idea that when they start speaking to their ideal client, it feels sleazy or icky.

Or simply feeling like they're not saying the "right" thing in the "right" way.

Sound familiar?


Feel Like the Powerful Coach You Are….Even When You’re Just Starting Out


Feel Like the Powerful Coach You Are….Even When You’re Just Starting Out

We’ve all been there …

You’re a brand new coach, just starting your business, and you’re concerned.

Maybe plagued by the feeling that because you’re new, people won’t take you seriously?

Maybe you've been wondering: What’s unique about me? Why would people want to work with someone so new?

These questions? They come with a good ol' side of self-doubt and the fear you’ll come off as a fraud.

Here's the best news ever though....


BE YOU: Connect with Prospects and Follow Up in an Authentic Way


BE YOU: Connect with Prospects and Follow Up in an Authentic Way

Being a coach, you know that attracting clients is necessary to growing your business. But, for so many of us it can be one of the most nerve-wracking things to do.

There’s self-doubt that makes you question how to present yourself, what you say, or how you’re perceived by others...

There’s information out there that makes you believe that you have to do certain things to attract clients--that you have to have all your ducks in a row….

And, as a recovering perfectionist, I know: It’s tempting to attempt to make sure everything is in order and perfect before you get yourself to make those connections that bring clients your way....

Well friend, I’ve got news for you!


How To Attract Clients As A New Coach


How To Attract Clients As A New Coach

I know. I know!

You’re a new coach and, because of that, you feel like you have to have all these things in order before you can really attract clients.

Been there!

Maybe you feel like you need that online presence that tells potential clients that you’re the real thing.

A website. An email list. Multiple social media platforms.

There is SO much out there that tells you these are necessary to get going.

But guess what?

I have good news for you, my friend!


Bridge Your Business and Personal Work


Bridge Your Business and Personal Work

As a business owner, it feels as though everything falls on your shoulders.

You are obviously the face, the voice and the mastermind behind your business.

And, the to-do list is NEVERENDING!

It becomes all too easy to be consumed by the business.

And! SO many times (especially as you're starting to grow) you feel like, in order for your business to succeed, you have to commit to every opportunity that comes your way.

(Um, I know I've been there for SURE)!

Before you know it, your business starts to take over your life.

Filling every minute of every day.


Create an Authentic Message to Attract Your Ideal Clients

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Create an Authentic Message to Attract Your Ideal Clients

You hear it all the time - You need a unique message to attract clients.

And, not just any clients, but your ideal clients.  

But, it’s hard to know what to say, how to say it, or if your message even translates the way you want it to.

And, there are so many differing opinions out there that’s it’s hard to make sense of them all.

It’s scary to think that you’re coming off like a used car salesman.

And, you know you are better than that.

You’re not the used car salesman who is just in it to make a buck. (Duh!)

You want to make a difference.

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Don’t Let Self-Doubt Crush Your Potential


Don’t Let Self-Doubt Crush Your Potential


That voice in your head that tells you can’t do it. That you’re not good enough. That you don’t have the skills or the knowledge to achieve the success you want.

And, it’s not a little voice.

It’s deafening.

And, it drowns out all positive thoughts.

Self-doubt is something we all can relate to. No one is immune from the overwhelming powers of self-doubt.

But, giving into that doubt--letting it control you—is worse than failure.

It’s TRUE! Here’s why…


How to Prioritize Your Tasks


How to Prioritize Your Tasks

Ugh - I know you’ve been there too.

You know...those times where there’s sooo much on your plate.

And, you have no idea where to even begin.

You feel like your To-Do list has taken on a life of its own.

And, you don’t recognize half of the “must dos” on it.

Frustration. Overwhelm. Anxiety. Stress. They all come in and rear their ugly heads.

Just what you need, right? NOT! They’re all the worst enemies of productivity.

Somehow, you try to push through all of that and tackle your To-Do list.

But, you’re left feeling like you’re spinning fast but going nowhere. It’s EXHAUSTING.


Is Your Need for Perfection Getting in Your Way?

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Is Your Need for Perfection Getting in Your Way?

We all feel the pressure. We all want success. And we search and search for the path that will lead us there.

And, we have emotions, hopes, and dreams attached to our path to success.

There’s this desire to make our path as seamless as possible. We want to get things right the first time, and we want things to be perfect.

You form this belief...that if you get X, Y, and Z perfect, then you’ll end up with the exact results that you want. “Perfection” becomes the recipe for success.

The fear of failure is often what causes perfectionism. You’re so scared something might not go right if it’s not perfect.

It’s a vicious cycle. It starts with being scared that you won’t achieve success if you’re not perfect. But...that perfection is unattainable and leads to inaction.

So you get nowhere.

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