When was the last time you invested in something - a program, package, or product, and felt like...

"YAY! I'm so excited about this purchase!"

Perhaps recently. 

Or maybe this was awhile ago.

Either way, what was it that made you say "YES!" ?

My guess is, there was some sort of initial need on your end.

Maybe this program seemed to check all the boxes you wanted checked.

Or maybe there was this intangible thing about it that simply peaked your interest and desire: the way it was presented, the promise it seemed to make.

Maybe it offered the exact solution you were looking for.

Or simply gave you hope and inspiration.

Psychologically speaking, when we purchase something, it's not as much the tangibles that drive us.

It's the intangibles.

The freedom that would come with gaining back time by purchasing that "time-saving planner."

The relief that would come with being part of an accountability group where you actually get done what you want to get done.

The stability that would come with a rock-solid plan around creating consistent, as opposed to fluctuating, income.

These are core values that are important to your ideal clients.

They're important to you and me too!

They're the reason we do any of the things we do in life and in business.

They're the reason we buy, or choose not to buy.

Meaning: the reason we buy goes beyond the actual "surface" reason, even we think we're buying for.

For example. Today I bought a mask. It was $58 dollars.

I know. There are much, MUCH cheaper masks on the market!

Maybe I could've gone with a less expensive one.

But this one has 4 levels of protection, an N95 filter, kills 98% of germs and pathogens, and is moisture wicking. And it's cute cause it's purple =)

I have a mask I use now that I can hardly breathe in, and I wanted one that's keeps me safe - particularly since I'm pregnant.

I pictured wearing this mask to and in the hospital when it's time for me to deliver.

And ultimately, although I was going back and forth on a few options, I decided: if I'm going to get a mask, for which the purpose is to keep me (and baby in the womb!) safe, wouldn't I just want to buy the one that seems to be the absolute safest? The answer for me was....yes, duh. Despite the cost.

In this example you can see that the reason I ended up buying this expensive thing was because it honored a core value that's important to me (and most of us!) particularly now. And that's health.

When you can pinpoint that deeper reason, that core need that drives your prospects to say yes...

You are going to be able to create sales, enroll new amazing clients, and ultimately simplify things for yourself, and your prospect so you can do the work you're meant to do. Together!

In the video below I chat more about how to identify these values in your prospect. 

PS: Lots of the clients I'm currently working with came to me wondering….

What should I say so that the buyer says YES?

Or, why isn't my messaging working?

It's not you. At all.

And it's not your program.

If you're connecting with the right people, there's a little something we need to know about these people to meet them where they are, create deep connection, and actually speak to them on their level about what it is they really want most.

Check out the video above for more on core values and why they matter (plus a little about me and what I want to invest in right now)!
