With the devastating news of George Floyd there is obviously incredible anger and upset. Yet another horrific incident on top of all the other horrific incidents, the violence, the killing, the microagressions.

On top of the hate out there, there's a persistent shame, blame, and ridicule online surfacing (once more) -- particularly within the coaching community towards other life coaches who have been less than vocal during this time.

Quick note on this. Understandably, it's disheartening and extremely upsetting for those waiting for their colleagues or the leaders they typically look up to for comfort or guidance...and not witnessing them taking a stand. Yet when this upset is communicated by demand, ridicule, and blame it spreads defense, fear, and self doubt. This is hardly a recipe for encouraging others to share from a place of empowerment- from a position where true advocacy has a chance to occur.

Grieving, processing, taking empowered action, standing up-- and for SO many of us (including me) leaning into the reality of our ignorance on real issues that impact black people every single day -- loses its meaning when that action is motivated solely by pressure, force, and shame from others.

Let's call on more educating and encouraging and less shaming and blaming. More creating from a space of true advocacy and desire. Less ridiculing others into taking action: triggering fear and hiding, or sharing something that's empty: created in a panic, void of true sentiments, coming from a space where they were feeling forced, afraid, or driven by their own ego.

This is simply my heart's way. It may or may not be yours. Either way my heart goes out to you who is reading this now, and to George Floyd and his family. #BLACKLIVESMATTER

PS: In my own journey to educate myself, I recently found the following resources.  Obviously, I have a long way to go and these were just a start. Welcoming any suggestions you might have for further reading:

Letter To A White Man: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpHXF3SMAWI

OP-ED: Kareem Abdul Jabbar: Don't understand the protests? What you're seeing is people pushed to the edge: https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2020-05-30/dont-understand-the-protests-what-youre-seeing-is-people-pushed-to-the-edge

On Instagram: @rachel.cargle

I just wanna live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIuSLBX74Ac


Raising Race Conscious Children: http://www.raceconscious.org/strategies/?ncid=newsltushpmgvoices_Parents

Dad's Sweet Comics Promote Empathy, Tolerance, and Love: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/lunarbaboon-comics_n_5a0f15d1e4b0e97dffed08aa??ncid=newsltushpmgvoices_Parents
